Hope dress at the Blackpool resilience conference 2022
Hope projectElaine Foster-Gandey#resiliencerevolution, #blackpool, #inclusiveartseducation, #artscouncilengland, #artsengagement, #thehopedress, #elainefostergandey, #boingboing, #universityofbrighton, #weaving, #hopeproject, #brightonuniversity, #alumnibrightonuniversity, #maidstonemuseum, #poplarworks, #beechwoodschool, #sackvilleschool, #valleyparkschool
Hope dress touring
Hope : weaving communities together
Hope projectElaine Foster-Gandeyelainefostergandey, the hope project, the dress of hope, London college of fashion, poplar works, recycled fashion, workshops with community groups, running workshops, giant sculpture, textiles, fashion, people need to be seen, teaching textiles, weaving, weaving words of hope, Inclusive art, Hope maidstone museum